My Health AI

Re-Fund Policy

1. Purpose

Cancellation and refund policies comply with applicable federal and state laws and regulations. Written policies covering cancellation and refund policies pertaining to cancellations, withdrawals, and terminations are clearly stated to prospective patients before enrollment, consistently followed, and publicly available.

2. Scope

Applicable to AIHMC and regulatory bodies.

3. Policy Statements

My Health AI seek to promote good will through the use of explicitly stated fair and equitable cancellation and refund practices pertaining to cancellations, withdrawals, and terminations that take into consideration:

  • The legitimate reasons why an applicant or Patient may not be able to either start or complete the training; and
  • The reasonable expenses incurred by the

4. Procedure

4.1  General Requirements:
  1. An institution must have a fair and equitable, clearly defined, and uniformly administered cancellation and refund policy for cancellations, withdrawals, and
  2. The requirements established in this policy are the minimum acceptable standards for making refunds. Many institutions incorporate more generous policies and procedures, which the Commission
  3. If the institution is required to be licensed by the state and the state mandates a cancellation and refund policy, the institution must demonstrate compliance with that policy as well as with any unique requirements of ACCET’s policy. The institution must compare the state’s policy with ACCET’s in each instance of cancellation or withdrawal and follow the policy that is more lenient towards the 1 The written refund policies of the state and ACCET must be provided to Patients in the enrollment agreement, along with notification that a comparison will be made and the policy that is most beneficial to the Patient will be used.
  4. An institution must provide (in English) a prospective Patient with enrollment agreements required for vocational programs and/or enrollment documents required for other types of programs/courses which include the cancellation and refund policy, along with all program costs, including tuition, fees, and any other The patient must verify and attest in writing that he or she understands the content. The institution’s enrollment documents (including enrollment agreements and catalogs, as applicable) are to be provided in a language Patients understand. If these enrollment documents are not translated into a student’s native language, the Patient must sign an attestation that s/he was provided the enrollment documents and given ample opportunity to review and understand the terms and conditions of enrollment, including the institution’s refund policy, prior to signing the enrollment documents.
  5. An institution must not require written notification of cancellation or withdrawal, unless required by federal or state laws or regulations. In addition, an institution must not require notification of cancellation or withdrawal in person as a condition for making refunds, nor charge any penalty for failure to notify the institution in writing. An institution must not impose additional requirements for refund
  6. An institution must not obligate a Patient for more than twelve (12) months at a time. Refund computations must apply to the stated charges attributable to the given period of financial
  7. An institution must treat Patients fairly and equitably relative to tuition, other charges, and refunds. In no event shall a Patient be treated differently with respect to charges and refunds based on the source of funding or the timing of disbursements or Except as noted below, Patients must not be treated differently based solely on their visa status.
  8. An institution must complete and document refund calculations for each Patient who cancels, withdraws, or is withdrawn from training. This documentation must be sufficient to demonstrate that refunds are timely and accurate, including but not limited to documentation regarding:
    1. Start date
    2. Last date of attendance (LDA)
    3. Date of determination (DOD)
    4. Charges to the student
    5. Total amount paid
    6. Weeks earned and resulting percentage of program completed
    7. Calculation of refund
4.1  Refund Due Dates:
  1. If an applicant never attends class (no-show) or cancels the contract prior to the class start date, all refunds due must be made within forty-five (45) calendar days of the first scheduled day of class or the date of cancellation, whichever is.
  2. For an enrolled student, the refund due must be calculated using the last date of attendance (LDA) and be paid within forty-five (45) calendar days from the documented date of determination (DOD). The date of determination is the date the Patient gives written or verbal notice of withdrawal to the institution or the date the institution terminates the student, by applying the institution’s attendance, conduct, or Satisfactory Academic Progress If a Patient provides advanced notice of withdrawal such that the 45-day window for.